I\'ve created a PowerShell script that runs perfectly from the Management Shell. I\'m trying to get it setup to work in a scheduled task in Windows Server 2008 R2 and am uns
Another option, when the options get too complex and you're tired of fiddling with quotes, backticks, etc is to use the underused -EncodedCommand parameter on PowerShell.exe e.g.:
C:\PS> $cmd = "c:\temp\foo.ps1 'D:\Documents\PowerShell Scripts','D:\SomeFolder'"
C:\PS> $cmd
c:\temp\foo.ps1 'D:\Documents\PowerShell Scripts','D:\SomeFolder'
C:\PS> $bytes = [Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($cmd)
C:\PS> $encodedCmd = [Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes)
C:\PS> $encodedCmd
param1[0] is D:\Documents\PowerShell Scripts
param1[1] is D:\SomeFolder
Admittedly, not something that would be exactly readable/understandable by someone else. :-) You'd have to doc the command in the description of the scheduled task.
Try using the -Command switch instead of the -File switch, and then use the invocation operator '&'. Here is a link to an example of doing this with scheduled tasks:
Something like:
-Command "& 'D:\Documents\PowerShell Scripts\FarmBackup.ps1' '\\SomeServer\Backups' 'Full' 0 'D:\Logs\Backups' 0 'D:\Documents\PowerShell Scripts','D:\SomeFolder'"
I tested this solution by creating a script with the contents:
param([string[]] $x)
Write-Host $x.Count
Then called it in the following two ways:
powershell -File ".\TestScript.ps1" "what1,what2"
with result : 1
powershell -Command "& .\TestScript.ps1 what1,what2"
with result: 2
I have been using PowerShell for SharePoint and have created several Scheduled Task to trigger them at various intervals.
This is how i do it and it worked for me all the time.
Syntax : [Path to ur script'] -Param1Name 'Value1' -Param2Name 'Value2' -Param3Name 'Value3'
Here is a real example :
D:\Scripts\Global.ps1 -DataLocation 'D:\Scripts' -DeploymentParameters 'Deploymentparameters' -Deployments 'Deployments' -GlobalParameters 'GlobalParameters' -SiteUrl 'https://my.sp.company.com'