I am new to Angular JS and I am trying to create a set of radio buttons. Creating the buttons was the easy part, but I am having problems figuring out how to default select
General suggestion, avoid using '{{}}' use ng-bind (This will not related to question, its just good practice )
If you want to control from controller.js then use
and control it in controller.js
$scope.default_option = true
<body ng-app="demoApp">
<!-- ng-init functionality belongs in controller -->
<div ng-controller="DemoController">
<!-- move ng-repeat to container div instead of label -->
<div ng-repeat="price_option in price_options">
<!-- the model is the scope variable holding the selected value -->
<!-- the value is the value of this particular option -->
<input type="radio" ng-model="$parent.selected_price_option" ng-value="price_option" name="quantity" />{{price_option.qty_description}}</label>
<li ng-bind="price_option.price"></li>
<li ng-bind="price_option.discount"></li>
<li ng-bind="price_option.deal_value"></li>
angular.module('demoApp', []).
controller('DemoController', function ($scope) {
//moved init logic to controler
$scope.price_options = [{
qty: 1,
price: 10,
qty_description: 'descrip 1',
discount: '1%',
deal_value: 200
}, {
qty: 2,
price: 7,
qty_description: 'descrip 2',
discount: '5%',
deal_value: 100
$scope.selected_price_option = $scope.price_options[1];
Forked fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/W8KH7/2/
Or you can use the object strategy to avoid having to reference $parent: http://jsfiddle.net/W8KH7/3/
Try this approach:
angular.module('demoApp', []).controller('DemoController', function ($scope) {
$scope.priceOptions = [
{qty: 1, price: 10, qty_description: 'Descrip 1', discount: '1%', deal_value: 200},
{qty: 2, price: 7, qty_description: 'Descrip 2', discount: '5%', deal_value: 100}
$scope.selected = {priceOption: $scope.priceOptions[0]};
<label ng-repeat="priceOption in priceOptions">
<input type="radio" ng-model="selected.priceOption" ng-value="priceOption" name="quantity" />
{{ priceOption.qty_description }}
<li>{{ selected.priceOption.price }}</li>
<li>{{ selected.priceOption.discount }}</li>
<li>{{ selected.priceOption.deal_value }}</li>