Everything was working until I tried to display a partial file in ng-view.
angular.module(\'app\', [\'ngResource\
app.get('*', function(req, res,next) {
if(req.xhr != true)
} else
modify like this
Not sure how much this will help but I notice all the bower packages are in the 'bower_components' directory. That is the default for bower unless you specify another directory. So, if you want the bower components installed say, '/public/vendor', do the following:
1) create a file called ' .bowerrc ' and save it in your root directory ie. with gitignore, bower.json, etc.
2) in the file put:
"directory": "public/vendor"
That will load the bower components where you want them. The file ' .bowerrc ' is a config file for bower and you can find the guidance at: http://bower.io/
Thers is something off in your app.js file. Replace it with this and you should be good to go:
var app = angular.module('app', ['ngResource', 'ngRoute']);
angular.module('app').config(function($routeProvider, $locationProvider){
.when('/', { templateUrl: '/partials/main', controller: 'mainCtrl'});
angular.module('app').controller('mainCtrl', function($scope){
$scope.myVar = "Hello Angular";