This is a small example. In my larger dataset, I have multiple years of data and the number of observations per group (div) are not always equal.
Example data:
This is how I'd do it:
dt =
dt[order(-pts, -x), rank.init := 1:.N, by = div]
dt[, div.clean := sub('(\\d+).*', '\\1', div)]
setorder(dt, div.clean, rank.init)
dt[, := mean(.I), by = .(div.clean, rank.init)]
setorder(dt, div,
# year id div pts x rank.init div.clean
# 1: 2014 N 1 9 11 1 1 1.0
# 2: 2014 G 1 9 10 2 1 2.0
# 3: 2014 J 1 7 12 3 1 3.0
# 4: 2014 U 1 3 7 4 1 4.0
# 5: 2014 M 2a 7 12 1 2 5.5
# 6: 2014 E 2a 7 7 2 2 7.5
# 7: 2014 S 2a 5 5 3 2 9.5
# 8: 2014 W 2a 3 4 4 2 11.5
# 9: 2014 D 2b 7 7 1 2 5.5
#10: 2014 B 2b 7 6 2 2 7.5
#11: 2014 L 2b 2 4 3 2 9.5
#12: 2014 C 2b 1 2 4 2 11.5
@eddi's answer is already very nice. I just wanted to illustrate the same using frank()
function from the development version of data.table, v1.9.5
, which can compute ranks on vectors, lists, data.frames or data.tables.
# from @eddi's
setDT(df)[, div.clean := sub('(\\d+).*', '\\1', div)]
df[, position := frank(.SD, -pts, -x, ties.method="first"), by=div]
df[, final := frank(.SD, div.clean, position, ties.method="average")]
This also retains the original order, if that's of any importance.
I'll leave the conversion to dplyr
to you.