I have a query which uses PostgreSQL\'s syntax for using ORDER BY in an aggregate function, something like this:
SELECT some_agg_func(a ORDER BY b DESC) FROM
From the SQLAlchemy Docs:
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import aggregate_order_by
expr = func.array_agg(aggregate_order_by(table.c.a, table.c.b.desc()))
stmt = select([expr])
I think SqlAlchemy 1.1 has native support for string_agg
now: http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/dialects/postgresql.html#sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.aggregate_order_by (search the page for "func.string_agg")
You need to use SQLAlchemy's compiler extension to achieve this. Here's an example for Postgres string_agg
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import ColumnElement, _literal_as_column
from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql
from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles
class string_agg(ColumnElement):
def __init__(self, expr, separator, order_by=None):
self.type = Text()
self.expr = _literal_as_column(expr)
self.separator = literal(separator)
self.order_by = _literal_as_column(order_by)
def _from_objects(self):
return self.expr._from_objects
@compiles(string_agg, 'postgresql')
def compile_string_agg(element, compiler, **kwargs):
head = 'string_agg(%s, %s' % (
if element.order_by is not None:
tail = ' ORDER BY %s)' % compiler.process(element.order_by)
tail = ')'
return head + tail
query = session.query(string_agg(Foo.bar, ', ', order_by=Foo.bar.desc()))
# Print compiled SQL query.
print query.statement.compile(dialect=postgresql.dialect())
# Run the query and print result.
print query.scalar()