I need to assign values in the variable \"TRTCD1\" in two different classes as 1 and 2, based on the condition as stated in the R programming code below.
My guess is as following.
ifelse(TRTCD1 == 0 & TRTCD1 == 40,
ifelse(TRTCD1 >= 10 & TRTCD1 <= 30 & TRTCD1 == 50, 2, *value if NO*)
Only the case where the second ifelse is TRUE is given.
This Error tells that else statement is missing which should be written as:
z$Treatment1.class<-with(z, ifelse(TRTCD1 == 0 & TRTCD1 == 40, 1,
ifelse(TRTCD1 >= 10 & TRTCD1 <= 30 & TRTCD1 == 50, 2,<else code here>)))