I have a nice XML file like this:
You need to set default namespace in your xml, like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Assets xmlns="http://tempuri.org/data.xsd">
<FileName>Boomerang - Error codes.xlsx</FileName>
<DisplayName>Boomerang - Error codes</DisplayName>
<Description>This is the Boomerang error codes file</Description>
<FileName>Issue Tracker v5.xlsx</FileName>
<Description>This is the issue tracker for Skipstone</Description>
Also, there is a number of other problems:
Path attribute is not defined in schema, 'Assetd' element is not defined. maxOccurs="unbounded" need to be set in schema for xs:element name="Asset"
In case if you cannot modify xml, you need to remove target schema from xsd:
<xs:schema id="data"
And register schema like this:
settings.Schemas.Add(null, "data.xsd");