I did a few experiments with the tabling capabilities of b-prolog version 8.1 and was quite surprised by the performance I observed.
Here is the code that I used. I
Was checking against Jekejeke Prolog trailed memoing. Was only going to n=100'000. For B-Prolog the following command line worked fine on windows:
bp -s 40000000
This is said to amount to a stack/heap space of 160MB. I get both tabled and non-tabled better warm runs than cold runs:
B-Prolog n=100'000 in s:
w/o tabling: 14.276, 12.229
with tabling: 0.419, 0.143, 0.127, 0.152
The memoing code for Jekejeke uses the predicate assumez/2 from the module hypo. In contrast to B-Prolog tabling, the trailed memoing will recalculate everything upon each call. You need to manually add it to your code:
Jekejeke Prolog/Minlog n=100'000 in s:
w/o memoing: 4.521, 3.893
with memoing: 0.724, 0.573, 0.585, 0.555
So there is still room for speed improvements in Jekejeke. Concerning your B-Prolog question: When the memory is too tight, this might irregularily put additional pressure on a GC, maybe resulting in your observed behaviour.
P.S.: This is the Jekejeke Prolog memoing code. You need to install Jekejeke Minlog to have the module hypo available. Best is to install the latest release:
:- thread_local posInt_CollatzStepsm/2.
mposInt_CollatzSteps(I,N) :-
( I == 1
-> N = 0 % base case
; posInt_CollatzStepsm(I,N) %%% memo check
-> true
; 1 is I /\ 1
-> I0 is I*3+1, mposInt_CollatzSteps(I0,N0), N is N0+1, % odd
assumez(posInt_CollatzStepsm(I,N)) %%% memo add
; I0 is I>>1, mposInt_CollatzSteps(I0,N0), N is N0+1, % even
assumez(posInt_CollatzStepsm(I,N)) %%% memo add
?- time(mi0_i_maxSteps0_maxSteps(1, 100000, 0, R)).
% Up 724 ms, GC 71 ms, Thread Cpu 640 ms (Current 06/20/19 09:43:24)
R = 350
?- time(mi0_i_maxSteps0_maxSteps(1, 100000, 0, R)).
% Up 573 ms, GC 69 ms, Thread Cpu 500 ms (Current 06/20/19 09:43:27)
R = 350