I\'ve spent the past 4 hours trying to find a way to create a sprite image with Compass and sass that also automatically scales each individual image for use with the backgr
I've also done some research on this. This gist is what I came up with: https://gist.github.com/apauly/7917906
The solution depends on three key-parts:
0. Grab the dimensions for both, the complete sprite and the single icon:
$icon-file: sprite-file($map, $icon);
$icon-width: image-width($icon-file);
$icon-height: image-height($icon-file);
$sprite-file: sprite-path($map);
$sprite-width: image-width($sprite-file);
$sprite-height: image-height($sprite-file);
Consider a div displaying a sprite as its background. Set background-size: 100%;
to make sure, that the background sprite covers the full width of the div.
If one would use width: 100%;
, the result would be something like this:
|--| |
|--------| | <--- This is the sprite image we want to display
|------| |
So we need to enlarge our background to get something like this: (the div should have overflow:hidden
|---------| |
|----------------| | <---
|-------------| |
To achieve that, just divide the width of the complete sprite by the width of the single icon:
width:percentage($sprite-width / $icon-width);
2. This one is basically inspired by a blog post form tkenny: http://inspectelement.com/tutorials/a-responsive-css-background-image-technique/
The resulting sass code is this:
display: block;
height: 0;
padding-bottom: percentage($icon-height / $icon-width);
background-size: 100%;
3. The rest is just some basic math to calculate the top spacing of the icon inside of the sprite as a relative value:
Get the space from the top in pixels (a negative value):
$space-top:floor(nth(sprite-position($map, $icon), 2));
Sass will need a px-value
@if $space-top == 0 {
$space-top: 0px
Set the background position with percentages:
background-position:0 percentage(
-1 * $space-top / ( $sprite-height - $icon-height )
Here's a mixin for resizing sprites that works beautifully
@mixin resize-sprite($map, $sprite, $percent) {
$spritePath: sprite-path($map);
$spriteWidth: image-width($spritePath);
$spriteHeight: image-height($spritePath);
$width: image-width(sprite-file($map, $sprite));
$height: image-height(sprite-file($map, $sprite));
@include background-size(ceil($spriteWidth * ($percent/100)) ceil($spriteHeight * ($percent/100)));
width: ceil($width*($percent/100));
height: ceil($height*($percent/100));
background-position: 0 floor(nth(sprite-position($map, $sprite), 2) * ($percent/100) );
and the github it came from: https://gist.github.com/darren131/3410875