I have been working on a utility to convert various files to PDF for easy printing/emailing. I\'m trying to add support for CGM files but have not been able to find any li
Using IKVM you could pull in the Java JCGM library.
It has support for rendering to a Java Graphics object and no dependencies on other libraries. I'm not sure if IKVM will support all the required Swing calls but its definitely got support for some: AWT/Swing a Little Bit Less Unsupported
At a past employer, we used the LIB_CGM library from SDI quite a bit:
This was written in C - so although it isn't native .NET you should be able to use it from C# as an unmanaged extension.
Google also came up with another C implementation:
I found CGM a pain - it is one of those formats that has a lot of vendor or industry specific extensions. I was in the geophysics/seismic industry, where CGM was still being used a lot but with extensions! As CGM seems to be mainly used in industry specific applications (eg. CGM+ in the seismic industry), I suspect vendors are more interested in C applications that are readily cross-platform rather than PC-only solutions (eg. .NET). Users typically want to use their third party libraries on everything from big iron supercomputers to desktops (although we actively kept plotting functionality off the supercomputers!).