Hi does any one know a reg ex for a uk date format e.g. dd/mm/yyyy.
The dd or mm can be 1 character e.g. 1/1/2010 but the year must always be 4 characters.
There are two things you want to do, which in my view are best considered separately
1) You want to make sure that the date is a real, actual date. For example the 2019-02-29 isn't a real date whereas 2020-02-29 is a real date because 2020 is a leap year
2) You want to check that the date is in the correct format (so dd/mm/yyyy)
The second point can be done easily enough with a simple RegEx, plenty of examples of that.
To complicate matters, if you ask Firefox if 2019-02-29 is a real date, it'll return NaN, which is what you'd expect.
Chrome, on the other hand will say it is a real date and give you back the 1st of March 2019 - which will validate
Chrome, will also accept a single digit number as a proper date too for some strange reason, feed it "2" and it'll give you full date from 2001 back - which will validate
So first step is to create a function which attempts to decipher a date (no matter the format) and works cross-browser to return a boolean indicating if the date is valid or not
function validatableDate(value)
Date.prototype.isValid = function()
{ // An invalid date object returns NaN for getTime() and NaN is the only
// object not strictly equal to itself.
return this.getTime() === this.getTime();
minTwoDigits = function(n)
{ //pads any digit less than 10 with a leading 0
return (parseInt(n) < 10 ? '0' : '') + parseInt(n);
var valid_date = false;
var iso_array = null;
// check if there are date dividers (gets around chrome allowing single digit numbers)
if ((value.indexOf('/') != -1) || (value.indexOf('-') != -1)) { //if we're dealing with - dividers we'll do some pre-processing and swap them out for /
if (value.indexOf('-') != -1) {
dash_parts = value.split('-');
value = dash_parts.join("/");
//if we have a leading year, we'll put it at the end and work things out from there
if (dash_parts[0].length > 2) {
value = dash_parts[1] + '/' + dash_parts[2] + '/' + dash_parts[0];
parts = value.split('/');
if (parts[0] > 12) { //convert to ISO from UK dd/mm/yyyy format
iso_array = [parts[2], minTwoDigits(parts[1]), minTwoDigits(parts[0])]
} else if (parts[1] > 12) { //convert to ISO from American mm/dd/yyyy format
iso_array = [parts[2], minTwoDigits(parts[0]), minTwoDigits(parts[1])]
} else //if a date is valid in either UK or US (e.g. 12/12/2017 , 10/10/2017) then we don't particularly care what format it is in - it's valid regardless
iso_array = [parts[2], minTwoDigits(parts[0]), minTwoDigits(parts[1])]
if (Array.isArray(iso_array)) {
value = iso_array.join("-");
var d = new Date(value + 'T00:00:01Z');
if (d.isValid()) //test if it is a valid date (there are issues with this in Chrome with Feb)
valid_date = true;
//if the month is Feb we need to do another step to cope with Chrome peculiarities
if (parseInt(iso_array[1]) == 2) {
month_info = new Date(iso_array[0], iso_array[1], 0);
//if the day inputed is larger than the last day of the February in that year
if (iso_array[2] > month_info.getDate()) {
valid_date = false;
return valid_date;
That can be compressed down to
function validatableDate(t) {
Date.prototype.isValid = function () {
return this.getTime() === this.getTime()
}, minTwoDigits = function (t) {
return (parseInt(t) < 10 ? "0" : "") + parseInt(t)
var a = !1,
i = null;
return -1 == t.indexOf("/") && -1 == t.indexOf("-") || (-1 != t.indexOf("-") && (dash_parts = t.split("-"), t = dash_parts.join("/"), dash_parts[0].length > 2 && (t = dash_parts[1] + "/" + dash_parts[2] + "/" + dash_parts[0])), parts = t.split("/"), i = parts[0] > 12 ? [parts[2], minTwoDigits(parts[1]), minTwoDigits(parts[0])] : (parts[1], [parts[2], minTwoDigits(parts[0]), minTwoDigits(parts[1])]), Array.isArray(i) && (t = i.join("-"), new Date(t + "T00:00:01Z").isValid() && (a = !0), 2 == parseInt(i[1]) && (month_info = new Date(i[0], i[1], 0), i[2] > month_info.getDate() && (a = !1)))), a
That gets you a cross-browser test as to whether the date can be validated or not and it'll read & decipher dates in formats
Once you've validated the date is a real, proper one you can then test the format with a regex. So for UK dd/mm/yy
function dateUK(value) {
if(valid_date && value.match(/^(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[\/](0?[1-9]|1[012])[\/]\d{4}$/))
{ valid_uk_date=true;
return valid_uk_date;
You then know that the date is a real one and that it's in the correct format.
For yyyy-mm-dd format, you'd do:
function dateISO(value) {
if(valid_date && value.match(/^\d{4}[\/\-]\d{1,2}[\/\-]\d{1,2}$/))
{ valid_iso_date=true;
return valid_iso_date;
It depends how thorough you want to be of course, for a rough check of format sanity a RegEx may be enough for your purposes. If however you want to test if the date is a real one AND if the format is valid then this will hopefully help point you along the way