How to find if ANY column has a specific value I am looking for?

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我在风中等你 2021-01-18 20:56
   id first  middle  last       Age
    1 Carol  Jenny   Smith      15
    2 Sarah  Carol   Roberts    20
    3 Josh   David   Richardson 22

I am t

  • 2021-01-18 21:29

    Using tidyverse

    f1 <- function(data, wordToCompare, colsToCompare) {
              wordToCompare <- enquo(wordToCompare)
              data %>%
                  select(colsToCompare) %>%
                  mutate(!! wordToCompare :=  map(.,  ~ 
           .x == as_label(wordToCompare)) %>% 
               reduce(`|`) %>%
    f1(df1, Carol, c("first", 'middle', 'last'))
    # first middle       last Carol
    #1 Carol  Jenny      Smith     1
    #2 Sarah  Carol    Roberts     1
    #3  Josh  David Richardson     0
    f1(df1, Sarah, c("first", 'middle', 'last'))
    #   first middle       last Sarah
    #1 Carol  Jenny      Smith     0
    #2 Sarah  Carol    Roberts     1
    #3  Josh  David Richardson     0

    Or this can also be done with pmap

    df1 %>%
      mutate(Carol = pmap_int(.[c('first', 'middle', 'last')],
              ~ +('Carol' %in% c(...))))
    #   id first middle       last Age Carol
    #1  1 Carol  Jenny      Smith  15     1
    #2  2 Sarah  Carol    Roberts  20     1
    #3  3  Josh  David Richardson  22     0

    which can be wrapped into a function

    f2 <- function(data, wordToCompare, colsToCompare) {
          wordToCompare <- enquo(wordToCompare)
          data %>%
               mutate(!! wordToCompare := pmap_int(.[colsToCompare],
              ~ +(as_label(wordToCompare) %in% c(...))))
    f2(df1, Carol, c("first", 'middle', 'last'))
    #  id first middle       last Age Carol
    #1  1 Carol  Jenny      Smith  15     1
    #2  2 Sarah  Carol    Roberts  20     1
    #3  3  Josh  David Richardson  22     0

    NOTE: Both the tidyverse methods doesn't require any reshaping

    With base R, we can loop through the 'first', 'middle', 'last' column and use == for comparison to get a list of logical vectors, which we Reduce to a single logical vector with | and coerce it to binary with +

    df1$Carol <- +(Reduce(`|`, lapply(df1[2:4], `==`, 'Carol')))
    #  id first middle       last Age Carol
    #1  1 Carol  Jenny      Smith  15     1
    #2  2 Sarah  Carol    Roberts  20     1 
    #3  3  Josh  David Richardson  22     0

    NOTE: There are dupes for this post. For e.g. here


    df1 <- structure(list(id = 1:3, first = c("Carol", "Sarah", "Josh"), 
    middle = c("Jenny", "Carol", "David"), last = c("Smith", 
    "Roberts", "Richardson"), Age = c(15L, 20L, 22L)),
      class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-18 21:31

    A solution using apply family

    df$Carol = lapply(1:nrow(df), function(x) any(df[x,]=="Carol))
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-18 21:33

    We can use rowSums

    df$Carol <- as.integer(rowSums(df[2:4] == "Carol") > 0)
    #  id first middle       last Age Carol
    #1  1 Carol  Jenny      Smith  15     1
    #2  2 Sarah  Carol    Roberts  20     1
    #3  3  Josh  David Richardson  22     0

    If we need it as a function

    fun <- function(df, value) {
       as.integer(rowSums(df[2:4] == value) > 0)
    fun(df, "Carol")
    #[1] 1 1 0
    fun(df, "Sarah")
    #[1] 0 1 0

    but this assumes the columns you want to search are at position 2:4.

    To give more flexibility with column position

    fun <- function(df, cols, value) {
       as.integer(rowSums(df[cols] == value) > 0)
    fun(df, c("first", "last","middle"), "Carol")
    #[1] 1 1 0
    fun(df, c("first", "last","middle"), "Sarah")
    #[1] 0 1 0
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-18 21:50

    Here's a tidyverse option. We first reshape the data to long format, group by id, and find levels of id that have the desired name in at least one row. Then we reshape back to wide format.

    df %>% 
      gather(key, value, first:last) %>% 
      group_by(id) %>% 
      mutate(Carol = as.numeric(any(value=="Carol"))) %>% 
      spread(key, value)
         id   Age Carol first last       middle
    1     1    15     1 Carol Smith      Jenny 
    2     2    20     1 Sarah Roberts    Carol 
    3     3    22     0 Josh  Richardson David

    Or, as a function: = function(data, target) {
      data %>% 
        gather(key, value, first:last) %>% 
        group_by(id) %>% 
        mutate(!!target := as.numeric(any(value==target))) %>% 
        spread(key, value) %>% 
        # Move new target column to end
        select(-target, target)
    }, "Carol"), "Sarah")

    You could also do several at once. For example:

    map(c("Sarah", "Carol", "David"), ~, .x)) %>% 
         id   Age first last       middle Sarah Carol David
    1     1    15 Carol Smith      Jenny      0     1     0
    2     2    20 Sarah Roberts    Carol      1     1     0
    3     3    22 Josh  Richardson David      0     0     1
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-18 21:50

    Another option using mutate and if_else() as you suggested:

    data = read_table("   id first  middle  last       Age
        1 Carol  Jenny   Smith      15
        2 Sarah  Carol   Roberts    20
        3 Josh   David   Richardson 22")
    data %>%
      mutate(carol = if_else(first == "Carol" | middle == "Carol" | last == "Carol",


    # A tibble: 3 x 6
         id first middle last         Age carol
      <dbl> <chr> <chr>  <chr>      <dbl> <chr>
    1     1 Carol Jenny  Smith         15 yes  
    2     2 Sarah Carol  Roberts       20 yes  
    3     3 Josh  David  Richardson    22 no 
    0 讨论(0)