How to release inprocess COM Server object from Excel VBA

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隐瞒了意图╮ 2021-01-18 19:10

How do you force Excel (2007) VBA to release references to a COM server object?

I have written an inprocess (Single instance DLL) COM Server in Visual Foxpro 9 SP2 w

  • 2021-01-18 19:50

    The procedure used to instantiate your COM class from the code in your DLL is that Excel calls the COM library layer to find your implementation using either the ProgID or the ClassID. When you have an inproc server this means it finds a path to your DLL and uses LoadLibrary to load it into your client process and then creates the class factory and calls methods in the DLL. So the end result is that Excel calls LoadLibrary on your DLL and this locks the file until Excel calls FreeLibrary on the handle.

    Using COM interfaces you don't have control of this. You call CoCreateInstance() (or from VBA you create the object with New or CreateObject which calls this Win32 API underneath). The implementation of this handles the LoadLibrary and everything else until you get handed an interface pointer to work with. Some applications will periodically call CoFreeUnusedLibraries() to attempt to release loaded COM dlls that are not currently in use. The default class factory implementation maintains a counter of objects created that can be used to determine if a DLL is in use or not - but this is not always reliable as COM class writers may not obey the rules. Exiting Excel obviously releases the lock on the file.

    When you create your COM class as an out-of-process server - it lives in a separate executable or DLL whose lifetime is managed differently. Excel no longer holds a lock on the DLL and releasing the COM instance may well allow the hosting process to exit.

    You can convert a DLL to be used as a localserver (out-of-process) by arranging to have it hosted by DllHost. If you use the OleView utility and find your classes ProgId then you can enable hosting in a surrogate process (dllhost). It's been a while since I did that but there should be information on the web about using surrogate hosting. Obviously hosting a COM object out-of-process makes everything slower and introduces the potential for various marshalling issues. Provided you keep oleautomation compatible interfaces it should be fine.

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  • 2021-01-18 20:07

    Adding a shorter answer ....

    Releasing the DLL is knotty problem and one familiar to developers of in process COM components for use in Excel.

    There are two conditions that need to be satisfied

    1) Do not use an early binding library references (Tools->Reference) , use late binding instead. Early binding tools reference will hold a lock.

    2) Call CoFreeUnusedLibraries to unload COM servers which no longer have clients.

    From your sample code you are already late binding but please check your references. Whilst point 2) is referred to in payyhoyts answer no code is given.

    Here is a copy and pasteable declaration

    Private Declare Sub CoFreeUnusedLibraries Lib "ole32.dll" ()
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