I have a collection like this:
\"_id\" : ObjectId(\"51f4ad560364f5490ccebe26\"),
\"fiTpcs\" : [
After a couple of days of thinking/trying various options, this is what I did finally. I modified my document like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("51f4ad560364f5490ccebe26"),
"page" : 1, //1 is the default
"slug" : "some-unique-string-identifier"
"fiTpcs" : [
"uuid1", //these could be long text, like a long comment/essay
"fiTpcsCnt" : 5
I keep a "pageCount" and "totalFiTpcsCnt" in memcached. I have set MAX_FITPCSCNT = 500 (500 for now, experimental). When I create a new document of type userext, I set the page value to 1.
If I have to push a new object to fiTpcs array:
1) check if "totalFiTpcsCnt" is a multiple of 500. If yes, create a new document of type userext with the same slug, fiTpcsCnt as 0 and fiTpcs array as null. 2) update the last userext - query by slug and "pageCount", push to fiTpcs. Evict cache for "pageCount" and "totalFiTpcsCnt".
Whenever I need my userext document, I always take just the first page. This way I'll never need to query for more than 500 objects of type fiTpcs at a time and I will still have totalFiTpcsCnt always updated in memcached.
I may not understand your question in full depth, but seems like $slice is the droid your are looking for:
> db.page.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("51f4ad560364f5490ccebe26"), "fiTpcs" : [ "uuid1", "uuid2", "uuid3", "uuid4", "uuid5" ], "fiTpcsCnt" : 2 }
> db.page.find({}, {"fiTpcs" : {$slice : 3}})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("51f4ad560364f5490ccebe26"), "fiTpcs" : [ "uuid1", "uuid2", "uuid3" ], "fiTpcsCnt" : 2 }
> db.page.find({}, {"fiTpcs" : {$slice : [1,3]}})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("51f4ad560364f5490ccebe26"), "fiTpcs" : [ "uuid2", "uuid3", "uuid4" ], "fiTpcsCnt" : 2 }