I have a standard array with key-value pairs - and I want to use the keys to transform it into a multi-dimensional array. The difficulty seems to be that I need to loop recu
You can use a reference while walking though the array hierarchy levels:
function array_flat_to_multidimensional($arr) {
$out = array();
foreach ($arr as $compoundKey => $val) {
$ref = &$out;
foreach (explode(".", $compoundKey) as $key) {
if (!array_key_exists($key, $ref)) $ref[$key] = array();
$ref = &$ref[$key];
$ref = $val;
return $out;
use the recursion Luke
function ins(&$ary, $keys, $val) {
$keys ?
ins($ary[array_shift($keys)], $keys, $val) :
$ary = $val;
// test
$arr['alfa.xray.uno'] = "Alfa X-Ray Uno";
$arr['alfa.yaho.duo'] = "Alfa Yaho Duo";
$arr['beta.xray.uno'] = "Beta X-Ray Uno";
$arr['beta.xray.duo'] = "Beta X-Ray Duo";
$arr['just-me'] = "Root-level item";
$a = array();
foreach($arr as $k => $v)
ins($a, explode('.', $k), $v);
You could use references to successively iterate through and build up the nested array structure:
$out = array();
foreach ($arr as $key=>$val) {
$r = & $out;
foreach (explode(".", $key) as $key) {
if (!isset($r[$key])) {
$r[$key] = array();
$r = & $r[$key];
$r = $val;
return $out;