I am creating a plugin that will emit basic nuxt events triggered by sockets. The nuxt event will then be recieved and open a snackbar. When inside a component it is easy to
I figured another way to do it, by creating a manual event bus using Vue itself and using combined inject
In my case, I had a global axios interceptor to check the responses for a status code of 401
, meaning that the user's session has expired and then display a notification to them.
// my-plugin.js
import Vue from 'vue'
export default function ({ $axios, app }, inject){
inject('eventHub', new Vue()); // this is the same as Vue.prototype.$eventHub = new Vue()
// checking for status
$axios.onError((error) => {
const code = parseInt(error.response && error.response.status)
if (code === 401) {
app.$auth.logout() // logout if errors have happened
The event bus is now accessible both in context and in any Vue instance
// login.vue
export default{
// data
this.$eventHub.$once('session-expired', ()=> {
methods: {
// display notifcations
You can use something like this in your plugin.js file, what the plugin will do is use window.$nuxt.$emit
which is available on the client side
export default function (context) {
It's not the solution I was looking for, but as a workaround I injected another instance of vue as a plugin to use as an event bus. It doesn't use the nuxt context as I initially wanted, but it works.
import Vue from 'vue'
export const bus = new Vue()
export default (_context, inject) => {
// Client only
if (process.client) {
// Event bus for plugins
inject('bus', bus)
* Socket that pops open a snackbar
export default ({ app: { $bus, $sockets } }) => {
// Incoming message
$sockets.on('message', payload => {
// When we are on the messages page with the user
if (window.location.pathname === `/messages/${payload.message.sender.username}`) {
$bus.$emit('message-conversation', payload)
// Elsewhere, or messages with a different user
else {
$bus.$emit('open-snackbar', {
body: payload.message.body,
link: `/messages/${payload.message.sender.username}`,
user: payload.message.sender
// Incoming notification
$sockets.on('notification', payload => {
$bus.$emit('open-snackbar', {
body: payload.notification.text,
link: payload.notification.link || '/notifications',
user: payload.notification.source