I have resear
First, your methods receive and return a String^
which is a managed object. Unmanaged code does not know this type, and cannot create such object. So, you will need to wrap the function call such that the function marshal the managed type to something that the unmanaged code can understand.
After that, you can add the DllExport attribute to the managed method, as discussed here.
You could use the cool C++ Marshaling library provided by Microsoft, something like this:
#include "cSharpRiJHarn"
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "msclr\marshal_cppstd.h" // marshaling library
using namespace cSharpRiJHarn;
using namespace System;
using namespace msclr::interop; // marshaling library
std::wstring Encrypt(std::wstring s)
return marshal_as<std::wstring>(RijndaelLink::encrypt(marshal_as<String^>(s)));
std::wstring Decrypt(std::wstring s)
return marshal_as<std::wstring>(RijndaelLink::decrypt(marshal_as<String^>(s)));