I have a weird problem with the Windows Phone 8 emulator! I have a small test app where I change the \'page name\' textbox on the mainpage so that it shows using a custom fo
First of all, you should save the external ttf into your project(If you want to use external font).
Then, you can use this:
When the .ttf font file is in the root folder, works fine in Design and Runtime.
Same as above.
When the .ttf font file is in the sub folder "font". Works fine in Design and Runtime.
When the XAML file which uses the font resides in another subfolder. Works fine in Design and Runtime.
If the XAML file is in the root folder, the font gets applied only at runtime not at design time.
I hope you found the solution already. Please check out How to add Custom Fonts
This worked for me on Windows Phone 8 (Lumia 920)
It is very important to hashtag the font name after the .ttf
You can find the font name if you preview the ttf file on your PC and write the exact same font name.
Ok found the solution myself... it's because of the reference to the font inside the styles.xaml.
It should be a full path! So instead of setting:
<Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="Fonts/ClementePDae-Light.ttf#ClementePDae" />
Set this:
<Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="/PhoneApp1;component/Fonts/ClementePDae-Light.ttf#ClementePDae" />
Than everything works!