Lets say I have this sprite:
And I created a random landscape during runtime:
I don't really know about Box2D or AndEngine, but I thought this was an interesting problem and made a custom SurfaceView that can draw a random "terrain" like the one in your picture. (Hopefully it will be of use to you or someone else, at least I learnt some new stuff :p)
Single colour terrain:
Tiled background-terrain:
The tiled bitmap:
My code is as follows:
public class PathView extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback{
private class DrawingRunnable implements Runnable{
private final static int minPointsOnScreen = 3;
SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder;
Random rand = new Random();
private Path path;
private Paint pathPaint;
Bitmap background;
private Paint tilePaint;
volatile boolean running = false;
int width;
int height;
int maxHeight;
protected DrawingRunnable(SurfaceHolder sh){
surfaceHolder = sh;
pathPaint = new Paint();
tilePaint = new Paint();
protected void createPath(){
path = new Path();
path.setLastPoint(0, height);
int lastX = 0, lastY = height - rand.nextInt(maxHeight);
int newX=lastX, newY=lastY;
lastX = newX; lastY = newY;
newX += rand.nextInt(width/minPointsOnScreen);
newY = height - rand.nextInt(maxHeight);
interpolateLinear(lastX, newX, 0.333f),
interpolateLinear(lastX, newX, 0.666f),
newX, newY);
}while(newX <= width);
path.lineTo(width, height);
private int interpolateLinear(int start, int end, float part){
return (int) (start*(1-part) + end*part);
public void run(){
Canvas c = null;
c = surfaceHolder.lockCanvas(null);
synchronized (surfaceHolder) {
} finally{ if(c!=null) surfaceHolder.unlockCanvasAndPost(c); }
private void doDraw(Canvas c){
//c.drawPath(path, pathPaint); //Use this to draw a single-colour. (First screenshot)
for(int y = 0; y+background.getHeight() < height+background.getHeight(); y+=background.getHeight()){
for(int x = 0; x+background.getWidth() < width+background.getWidth(); x+=background.getWidth()){
c.drawBitmap(background, x, y, tilePaint);
private ExecutorService exec;
private SurfaceHolder holder;
private DrawingRunnable drawer;
public PathView(Context c){ super(c); init(c); }
public PathView(Context c, AttributeSet as){ super(c, as); init(c); }
public PathView(Context c, AttributeSet as, int defStyle){ super(c, as, defStyle); init(c); }
private void init(Context c){
exec = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
holder = getHolder();
public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder sh){
if( drawer == null ){
drawer = new DrawingRunnable(holder);
drawer.width = getWidth();
drawer.height = getHeight();
drawer.maxHeight = drawer.height/2;
drawer.background = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.tile);
drawer.running = true;
public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder sh){
drawer.running = false;
public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder sh, int format, int width, int height){}
If this is of any help to you you'll probably have to play around with the parameters to get shapes that suits your needs and most likely add a parameter for minimum distance between points etc. It is also a good idea to optimize the drawing of the background a bit, like drawing from the bottom up to the maximum height of the terrain, to minimize drawing to invisible areas. I should also be possible to reduce the amount of calls to getHeight() and getWidth().