I am trying to convert the latitude and longitude to zipcodes for around 10k data points. I am using geocoder for the task.
lat = subsamp[\'Latitude\'].as_m
Its a Missing parentheses issue for .as_matrix
pandas.DataFrame.as_matrix, is a method
used to convert the frame to its Numpy-array representation.
As it is a function, you missed the ()
, you have not added ()
function parenthesis, for .as_matrix
lat = subsamp['Latitude'].as_matrix
long = subsamp['Longitude'].as_matrix
It should be as follows :
lat = subsamp['Latitude'].as_matrix()
long = subsamp['Longitude'].as_matrix()
zip is a number or string but you have assigned a function to this value.
zip = g.postal
-> zip = g.postal()