I\'m trying to alter a bytea
column to have type oid
and still retain the values.
I have tried using queries like:
I think the best answer can be found at Grace Batumbya's Blog, in verbis:
The algorithm is pretty simple, get the binary data, if it is null, return null. Else create a large object and in the lowrite function, pass it the binary value, instead of a path to a file.
The code for the procedure is below. Note that the lo_manage package should be installed for this to work.
create or replace function blob_write(lbytea bytea)
returns oid
language plpgsql as
loid oid;
lfd integer;
lsize integer;
if(lbytea is null) then
return null;
end if;
loid := lo_create(0);
lfd := lo_open(loid,131072);
lsize := lowrite(lfd,lbytea);
perform lo_close(lfd);
return loid;
CREATE CAST (bytea AS oid) WITH FUNCTION blob_write(bytea) AS ASSIGNMENT;
So now the following code works: CREATE TABLE bytea_to_lo ( lo largeObj );
INSERT INTO bytea_to_lo VALUES ( DECODE('00AB','hex'));
I've tried it and works like a charm.
I am sure its late, but for anybody having the same problem in future.
I also faced a similar issue where I had old data in the columns of text directly in the columns not as OIDs. And when I was trying to use that data with upgraded application I too was getting
I used the knowledge of this thread to solve this issue. I strongly feel that whoever stumbles upon this question would surely like to have a look at this here
To solve the problem, I successfully used blob_write procedure from Grace Batumbya's Blog: http://gbatumbya.wordpress.com/2011/06/.
A column of type Oid is just a reference to the binary contents which are actually stored in the system's pg_largeobject table. In terms of storage, an Oid a 4 byte integer. On the other hand, a column of type bytea is the actual contents.
To transfer a bytea into a large object, a new large object should be created with the file-like API of large objects: lo_create() to get a new OID, then lo_open() in write mode, then writes with lo_write() or lowrite(), and then lo_close().
This can't reasonably be done with just a cast.
Basically, you would need to write a ~10 lines piece of code in the language of your choice (at least one that supports the large object API, including plpgsql) to do this conversion.
Postgres 9.4 adds a built-in function for this:
lo_from_bytea(loid oid, string bytea)
From the release notes:
- Add SQL functions to allow [large object reads/writes][12] at arbitrary offsets (Pavel Stehule)
For older versions, this is more efficient than what has been posted before:
loid oid := lo_create(0);
lfd int := lo_open(loid, 131072); -- = 2^17 = x2000
-- symbolic constant defined in the header file libpq/libpq-fs.h
-- #define INV_WRITE 0x00020000
PERFORM lowrite(lfd, $1);
PERFORM lo_close(lfd);
RETURN loid;
modifier is smarter than handling NULL manually.
SQL Fiddle.
More in this related answer: