I have html template - div#container inside body, and some absolutely-positioned divs in container w/o fixed height. Is there a way to expand container to 100% height of pag
You'll have problems with explorer (can't remember which versions) but you can set
to expand an absolutely positioned element within a container whose dimensions have been set (in it or in a parent)
The only way I can see is through Javascript
// returns the coordinates of top/left corner of an element
function getPosition(obj)
var left = 0;
var top = 0;
if (obj.offsetParent)
left += obj.offsetLeft;
top += obj.offsetTop;
while (obj = obj.offsetParent);
return {x:left, y:top};
document.onload = function()
var div = document.getElementById('yourLowestPositionnedDiv');
var divBottom = getPosition(div).y + div.offsetHeight; // y coordinate of the bottom/left corner
document.body.style.height = divBottom - getPosition(document.body).y;
This code will expand the size of your body at runtime so that it ends just below your lowest absolute-postioned div.