For a few years, I often have a need to combine lines of (sorted) text with a matching first field, and I never found an elegant (i.e. one-liner unix command line) way to do
I think this one do the job
awk -F':' '$1!=a{if(b);print b;b=""}a=$1{$1="";if(!b)b=a;b=b$0}END{print b}' infile
Using awk one liner
awk -F: -v ORS="" 'a!=$1{a=$1; $0=RS $0} a==$1{ sub($1":",";") } 1' file
apple:A fruit;Type of: pie
banana:tropical fruit
cherry:small burgundy fruit;1 for me to eat;bright red
setting ORS=""
; By default it is \n
The reason why we have set ORS=""
(Output Record Separator) is because we don't want awk to include newlines in the output at the end of each record. We want to handle it in our own way, through our own logic. We are actually including newlines at the start of every record which has the first field different from the previous one.
: When variable a
(initially null) doesn't match with first field $1
which is for eg. apple
in first line, then set a=$1
and $0=RS $0
i.e $0
or simply whole record
becomes "\n"$0
(basically adding newline at the beginning of record). a!=$1
will always satisfy when there is a different first field ($1
) than the previous line's $1
and is thus a criteria to segregate our records based on first field.
: If it matches then it probably means you are iterating over a record belonging to the previous record set. In this case substitute first occurrence of $1:
(Note the :
) for eg. apple:
with ;
. $1":"
could also be written as $1FS
where FS is :
If you have millions of line in your file then this approach would be fastest because it doesn't involve any pre-processing and also we are not using any other data structure say array for storing your keys or records.
Discover awk language:
awk -F':' '{ v=substr($0, index($0,":")+1); a[$1]=($1 in a? a[$1]";" : "")v }
END{ for(i in a) print i,a[i] }' OFS=':' infile.txt
The output:
apple:A fruit;Type of: pie
banana:tropical fruit
cherry:small burgundy fruit;1 for me to eat;bright red
for F in `cut -f1 -d ':' infile.txt | sort | uniq`; do echo "$F:$(grep $F infile.txt | cut -f2- -d ':' | paste -s -d ';' - )"; done
Not sure it qualifies as 'elegant', but it works, though I'm sure not quickly for millions of lines - as the number of grep
calls increases it would slow significantly. What % of the matching fields do you expect to be unique?