How to access Google Cloud datastore with php?

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旧巷少年郎 2021-01-18 11:59

I am using Google app engine for my web app and I need to use a NoSQL database, so my best option is Google Cloud Datastore

Since I can\'t find a way to connect it w

  • 2021-01-18 12:33

    A good starter primer for php access to datastore

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-18 12:34

    Include google/cloud-datastore library via composer

    $ composer require google/cloud-datastore

    and you can use as Example below.

    require 'vendor/autoload.php';
    use Google\Cloud\Datastore\DatastoreClient;
    $datastore = new DatastoreClient([
        'projectId' => 'my_project'
    // Create an entity
    $bob = $datastore->entity('Person');
    $bob['firstName'] = 'Bob';
    $bob['email'] = '';
    // Update the entity
    $bob['email'] = '';
    // If you know the ID of the entity, you can look it up
    $key = $datastore->key('Person', '12345328897844');
    $entity = $datastore->lookup($key);

    More details:

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-18 12:36

    Accessing Google Cloud Datastore from PHP is not documented, but you should be able to use Google APIs Client Library for PHP like any other Google APIs.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-18 12:40

    First, install the official Google Cloud Datastore PHP API using Composer (a dependency manager). You can do this by adding "google/cloud-datastore": "^1.0" to the 'require' section of your composer.json and running composer update

    You can start the local Datastore emulator with the command:

    gcloud beta emulators datastore start

    Here's a helper class I wrote that handles connecting to the datastore:

    // Datastore.php
    use Google\Cloud\Datastore\DatastoreClient;
    class Datastore {
        private static $ds;
         * Creates or returns the Datastore instance
         * @return void
        public static function getOrCreate() {
            if (isset(Datastore::$ds)) return Datastore::$ds;
            // gcloud beta emulators datastore start --data-dir=_datastore
            if (Datastore::isDevEnv() == true) {
                // To run locally, you may still need to download a credentials file from
                //putenv('GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=' . __DIR__ . '/datastore_creds.json');            
            $datastore = new DatastoreClient([
                'projectId' => Core::getProjectId()  
                // 'keyFilePath' => 'datastore_creds.json'
            Datastore::$ds = $datastore;
            return Datastore::$ds;
         * Returns true if server running in development environment.
         * @return boolean
        static function isDevEnv() {
            if (isset(Core::$_isDevEnv)) return Core::$_isDevEnv;
            Core::$_isDevEnv = (strpos(getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE'), 'Development') === 0);
            return Core::$_isDevEnv;
         * Formats fields and indexes for datastore.
         * @param Datastore $ds
         * @param Key $entityKey Datastore key.
         * @param [] $fields
         * @param [string] $indexes Keys to index.
         * @return Entity
        static function entityWithIndexes(DatastoreClient $ds, $entityKey, $fields, $indexes = []) {
            // Create exclude from indexes array.
            $excludedIndexes = [];
            foreach ($fields as $key => $value) {
                if (in_array($key, $indexes) == false) {
                    $excludedIndexes[] = $key;
            $entity = $ds->entity($entityKey, $fields, [
                'excludeFromIndexes' => $excludedIndexes
            return $entity;

    Here's how you would use it to insert a new entity into the datastore

    require 'vendor/autoload.php';
    require 'Datastore.php';    
    $ds = Datastore::getOrCreate();
    $key = $ds->key('MyEntityType');
    $data = [
          'name' => 'Foo!'
    $indexes = ['name'];
    $entity = Datastore::entityWithIndexes($ds, $key, $data, $indexes);

    If you run into issues with the emulator, try deploying your code to App Engine and seeing if you have the same error. The local development environment can be flaky.

    Also, check out the official PHP Datastore API docs here.

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  • 2021-01-18 12:49

    This library may help people finding this thread

    Designed to make Google Datatore easy from PHP.

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