My User (Devise) model also has name, city, nation, phone members.
In the create registration page - I validates_presence_of city, nation, phone, name, email,
I had a similar problem because when my User is created not all its fields are required. The other fields' presence is checked on: :update
using a validation.
So this is how I solved:
validates :birthdate, presence: true, on: :update, unless:{|u| u.encrypted_password_changed? }
The method encrypted_password_changed?
is the one used in the Devise Recoverable.
Got an answer from José -
In the Devise model you can override reset_password!
and use your own validations. For example:
def reset_password!(new_password, new_password_confirmation)
self.password = new_password
self.password_confirmation = new_password_confirmation
validates_presence_of :password
validates_confirmation_of :password
validates_length_of :password, within: Devise.password_length, allow_blank: true
if errors.empty?
save(validate: false)
I came across this question looking for an answer to a similar question, so hopefully someone else finds this useful. In my case, I was dealing with legacy data that had missing information for fields that were previously not required but were later made required. Here's what I did, essentially, to finish the above code:
validates_presence_of city, nation, phone, name, :on => :update, :if => :not_recovering_password
def not_recovering_password
Basically, it uses the absence/presence of the password_confirmation field to know if a user is trying to change/reset their password. If it's not filled, they are not changing it (and, thus, run your validations). If it is filled, then they are changing/resetting, and, thus, you want to skip your validations.