I am trying to install a webhook for leadgen event for my page via a facebook app. So I have:
In case you are using the django framework, you should request.body, as post data will remain empty.
def webhook_response(request):
# it will print the contents from facebook webhook response
# something like the following object will print up if you are using leadgen
{"object": "page", "entry": [{"id": "0", "time": 111111111, "changes": [{"field": "leadgen", "value": {"ad_id": "444444444", "form_id": "444444444444", "leadgen_id": "444444444444", "created_time": 11111111, "page_id": "444444444444", "adgroup_id": "44444444444"}}]}]}
Facebook sends webhook data as Content-Type: application/json
, not as …: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
(as a normal form with method=post would.)
Therefor, PHP does not populate $_POST – you need to read the raw input stream instead. That can be done using file_get_contents('php://input')
– and then just apply json_decode
on that data, and you’ll have a proper data structure to work with.
This code works for me...
if (!empty($_REQUEST['hub_mode']) && $_REQUEST['hub_mode'] == 'subscribe' && $_REQUEST['hub_verify_token'] == "<mytoken>") {
echo $_REQUEST['hub_challenge'];
} else {
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), true);
file_put_contents('logFB.txt', print_r($data, true));
First part is for verifying webhook, second for getting data from facebook webhook.
Hope this will help...
Facebook sends the leads data in the request body. If you are using a framework, please check if you have access to the request body. Try using a third party intermediate service like Runscope to see the full request, it is very usef