I need to run eclipse(java 1.7) and STS 3.8.1 ( java 1.8) but if i select the java 7 as default i am getting error in the STS 3.8.1.
I am using OS : ubuntu 14.10
I just set the jdk in the alternative jre value .
If you came to this page because you searched for the same error but wanted a different option, you can try updating the STS.ini configuration settings (e.g. at /sts-win32-x86_64/sts-bundle/sts-3.9.3.RELEASE/ folder) with two lines at the top as follows. The second line is path to your Java 8 installation.
C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_131/bin/javaw.exe
C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_131/bin/javaw.exe
It is asking for jdk 1.8 to open and run the STS (eclipse). It will still allow you to build your project/code with whatever JDK version you want.
Install jdk1.8, set your JAVA_HOME and PATH env variables so that 1.8 becomes your default jdk. After this your should be able to open STS. Then setup project and set project's JDK to 1.7 or whatever you want.
I hope it helps.
This question is old, but for anyone looking at this in the future who can't install Java 8 or otherwise can't use the workaround in the other answer - 3.8.0 was the first version requiring Java 1.8, while 3.7.3 still plays nice with only Java 1.7.
The STS 3.8.1 all-in-one distribution is based on Eclipse v4.6 which required Java 1.8 to start it.
As @Jens mentioned, you can to Open Windows
-> Preferences
. Then open tree node Java
> Installed JREs
. After adding a new JRE/JDK, you can set it as default or delete others items.
Another option: if you have installed Eclipse 4.5, please visit https://spring.io/tools/sts/all
-> Install New Software...
. Just paste update site URL in the Wizard.Add...
button in the same Wizard, select the folder of unpacked zip file.