I am working on a piece of OpencL code for a specialized matrix function: for a Dx1
vector v
, two DxD
matrices A
Optimization #1: make vector __local.
My first pass at this got a decent improvement in performance. I noticed that each vector[k] is read a total of D times, so I copied it to a __local. This is only possible because D is small enough to allow this. The kernel as you have it above suffers from a terrible ALU:fetch ratio of 0.08 on both the 5870 and the 6970 gpus. Even the slower gpus are still waiting on the memory access.
#define D 1000
__kernel void element_mult(
__global float *result,
__global const float *vector,
__global const float *matrix,
__global const float *matrix2,
const float factor)
int y = get_global_id(0);
float sum = 0;
__local float vectCopy[D];
int ls = get_local_size(0);
int lid = get_local_id(0);
for(int i=0;i<D;i+=ls){
vectCopy[i+lid] = vector[i+lid];
for(int k = 0; k < D; k++)
sum += vectCopy[k] * matrix[(y*D) + k] * matrix2[(y*D) + k ];
result[y] = sum * factor;
With this change, APP profiler is showing a new ALU:fetch ratio of 0.20 for the 5870 and 6970 gpus. Average times changed from 1513-->1034, and 1261-->861 on the same cards. The low end gpus are now bound by ALU instead of fetch. (greater than 4:1 ratio)
Opimization #2: calculate each result[y] using an entire work group.
You would have to do this id D were much larger (100k+). The idea is to get the best memory access pattern by using the work group to compute a single element of the result at a time. I defined ls (local size) to be 64 here, because it works on my hardware, as well as most vendors'. The workgroup size you use from the host-side will have to be 64 unless you change that definition. It needs to be defined to create the sum[ls] storage as __local, and I don't like passing variable sized __local vars into my kernels.
results: 5870 ALU:fetch=0.59:1, avg=708. 6970 ALU:fetch=0.72, avg=590. According to APP profiler, this is about twice as fast as your original listing.
#define D 1000
#define ls 64
__kernel void element_mult(
__global float *result,
__global const float *vector,
__global const float *matrix,
__global const float *matrix2,
const float factor)
__local float vectCopy[D];
int lid = get_local_id(0);
for(int i=0;i<D;i+=ls){
vectCopy[i+lid] = vector[i+lid];
int ng = get_num_groups(0);
int gid = get_group_id(0);
int y, k;
__local float sum[ls];
for(y = gid; y < D; y+=ng){
for(k = lid; k < D; k+=ls)
sum[lid] += vectCopy[k] * matrix[(y*D) + k] * matrix2[(y*D) + k ];
result[y] = sum[0];
result[y] += sum[k];
result[y] *= factor;
EDIT: APP profiler = AMD APP KernelAnalyzer