I have created a custom appender in log4j2. While using the custom appender, I am getting the following error: \"ERROR Attempted to append to non-started appender\". Any hel
Log4j 2 checks for each log event that the appender is in a useable state. The error you are seeing is that Log4j detects that the appender is not ready to be used.
Some appenders need to do preparation before they can be used. The start()
lifecycle method is the place where appenders can do initialization. Log4j will not route events to an appender that is not in a STARTED state.
If your appender is added by configuration, Log4j will call the lifecycle method. If your appender extends AbstractAppender, this will update the state and should be sufficient. Otherwise take a look at the lifecycle state management in AbstractAppender.
If you configure in code you may need to call start() explicitly.