I am using facet_grid in R to plot RT data for 5 different groups. I would like to highlight the data between 5 and 95% for each group.
With the code below, I am usi
Thanks to DWin's suggestion, I used ave to find xmin and xmax for each group individually and incorporated that directly into the command for the plot.
There is probably a more elegant way to do that (and suggestions are welcome), but it works.
qplot(prevRT, RT, group=ss, color = prim,
geom = c("smooth"),
method="lm", data =ss) +
facet_grid(~ Groupe) +
aes(xmin=ave(ss$RT, ss$Groupe, FUN = function(x)quantile(x,c(0.05))),
xmax=ave(ss$RT, ss$Groupe, FUN = function(x)quantile(x,c(0.95))),
ymin=-Inf,ymax=Inf), color="green", alpha=1/280, inherit.aes = FALSE)