I know of
ant coverage
However that does a few things, it compiles with emma instrumentation, installs, and runs the test apk. I don\'t wa
// coverage.py
def TestDeviceCoverageSupport(adb): """Check if device has support for generating code coverage metrics.
This tries to dump emma help information on device, a response containing help information will indicate that emma is already on system class path.
Returns: True if device can support code coverage. False otherwise. """ try: output = adb.SendShellCommand("exec app_process / emma -h")
if output.find('emma usage:') == 0:
return True
except errors.AbortError: pass return False
adb shell exec app_process / eamm -h
build core images http://duykham.blogspot.com/2009/09/how-to-get-emma-code-coverage-of.html
Well for anyone interested. The SDK documentation is completely busted (surprising I know). Basically you have to do this,
take the base build.xml generated by android create-project and change the tag
and change it to
<setup import="false"/>
Now the documentation will tell you to copy from SDK/platform-/templates/android_rules.xml and place that into your build.xml ...
THIS IS WRONG and horribly unmaintained. This rules file isn't used by anything. What is used are the rules inside of SDK/tools/ant/. Grab the appropriate file for your type of project (library for a library project, test for a test project, or vanilla for a regualr project) with the latest _r and
copy the contents of it's root node into your build.xml. Insert it after the setup tag. If you don't use the files inside the ant directory, you will not be able to compile project libraries through the ant script. I was so glad they maintained documentation on how to do this.
Now you can change whatever you like in the build file to match your build needs. In which case I just made install-helper call my wrapper around adb which returns interpreted resultcodes.