The Symfony MoneyType Field renders as input type=\"text\"
which allows a user to type whatever they want into the field.
How can I override this to ren
You can customise how the MoneyType is rendered.
{% extends 'form_div_layout.html.twig' %}
{% block money_widget %}
{%- set type = type|default('number') -%}
{{ parent() }}
{% endblock %}
I had the same issue. When I enter a string in a Money Type field, I had a php "number parsing failed" message.
To solve this I modified intl.error_level value in my php.ini file to 0. You can also comment the line.
No php error anymore. If I enter a string the error is handled by Symfony and I just get the message "This value is not valid" displayed under my input. So no need to override the input type="text"
You should be able to override the default field template:
{%- block form_widget_simple -%}
{%- set type = type|default('text') -%}
<input type="{{ type }}" {{ block('widget_attributes') }} {% if value is not empty %}value="{{ value }}" {% endif %}/>
{%- endblock form_widget_simple -%}
.... other templates ....
{%- block money_widget -%}
{{ money_pattern|replace({ '{{ widget }}': block('form_widget_simple') })|raw }}
{%- endblock money_widget -%}
{%- block money_widget -%}
<!-- set your custom html input here -->
{%- endblock money_widget -%}
In a custom template definition
For more information about how to override fields templates see this doc:
Why not use 'scale' to specify the number of decimal places, and also use 'placeholder' to tell the user the format:
->add('amount', MoneyType::class, array(
'label' => 'Enter Amount:',
'scale' => 2,
'attr' => array(
'placeholder' => 'x.xx',
I'm not sure if this is helpful or not.
Edit #2. After getting feedback, i think this should work for you:
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Regex;
->add('amount', MoneyType::class, array(
'label' => 'Enter Amount:',
'scale' => 2,
'attr' => array(
'placeholder' => 'x.xx',
'constraints' => array(
new Regex( array( 'pattern' => '/[0-9]{1,}\.[0-9]{2}/')),
See this link for info on adding Validation:
The above regular expression specifies at least 1 proceeding digit before the decimal, and 2 digits following the decimal place. In your original post you referred to 'currency', but that is a 'string'. You can modify the regular expression based on your needs.
I haven't verified this (I use something similar), but I think it should work.