I have some strings that I want to delete some unwanted characters from them.
For example: Adam\'sApple ----> AdamsApple
.(case insensitive)
Can someone help
Any characters in the 2nd argument of the translate method are deleted:
>>> "Adam's Apple!".translate(None,"'!")
'Adams Apple'
NOTE: translate requires Python 2.6 or later to use None for the first argument, which otherwise must be a translation string of length 256. string.maketrans('','') can be used in place of None for pre-2.6 versions.
Let's say we have the following list:
states = [' Alabama ', 'Georgia!', 'Georgia', 'georgia', 'south carolina##', 'West virginia?']
Now we will define a function clean_strings()
import re
def clean_strings(strings):
result = []
for value in strings:
value = value.strip()
value = re.sub('[!#?]', '', value)
value = value.title()
return result
When we call the function clean_strings(states)
The result will look like:
'South Carolina',
'West Virginia']
"Adam'sApple".replace("'", '')
One step further, to replace multiple characters with nothing:
import re
print re.sub(r'''['"x]''', '', '''a'"xb''')