I have an open source game library written in C# which is highly tuned for performance, using unsafe code, pointer arithmetic etc. I\'ve
Matt, They're not available, no as the compilation for your project and the compilation for the templates are completely isolated as of VS2010.
However I have a (somewhat clumsy) workaround for you.
If you include a stub file that contains your template directive, then you can set compiler options with the appropriate symbol for compilation.
e.g. a simple stub containing the following, named Define.t4:
<#@ template compilerOptions="/d:XBOX" debug="false" hostspecific="false" language="C#" #>
Put this in a subdirectory named XBOX and put a similar one in a directory named PHONE
<#@ template compilerOptions="/d:PHONE" debug="false" hostspecific="false" language="C#" #>
Note the compiler symbol definitions.
Now set an environment variable to be either XBOX or PHONE - let's say ARCHITECTURE
Now instead of the template directive in your templates, include the Define.t4 file and you will be able to use regular C#/VB condition syntax. Don't forget to put the #if on their own line. Here's an example:
<#@ include file="$(ProjectDir)%ARCHITECTURE%\Define.t4" #>
<#@ output extension=".txt" #>
#if XBOX #>
public unsafe struct Foo
#else #>
public struct Foo
#endif #>
Hope this gets you moving.