I am using SIGAR in a java project with Maven and Spring. I have the Maven Dependency and Maven Repository included in my pom.xml
file, as described in this lin
just install sigar lib:
sudo apt install libhyperic-sigar-java
this works for me.
I believe it needs to be put into your programs library folder, alongside the "sigar.jar" file.
If you plan to run your program on other OS variants, you should also have a bunch of ".dll", ".so" and ".dylib" files in the same lib folder.
Edit: You can download sigar at the link below, it contains the lib files for all major platforms: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sigar/?source=navbar
To install sigar on Linux, here is a copy/paste option:
wget https://netcologne.dl.sourceforge.net/project/sigar/sigar/1.6/hyperic-sigar-1.6.4.tar.gz
tar xvf hyperic-sigar-1.6.4.tar.gz
cd hyperic-sigar-1.6.4
sudo cp sigar-bin/lib/libsigar-`dpkg --print-architecture`-`uname -s | tr '[:upper]' '[:lower]'`.so /usr/lib
Finally found the solution. I had to download SIGAR from the official source.
Then I had to copy/paste the entire "lib" folder (with all the .so
and .dll
and whatnot) into the folder "main/src/webapp" of the project, which is used by Spring to store needed apps (or so I assume).
Then after running mvn install
, checking the "target" folder and running the newly generated .war
file, everything runs as expected.
@aitorhh This actually works, **But had some errors in your code, this works:
wget https://netcologne.dl.sourceforge.net/project/sigar/sigar/1.6/hyperic-sigar-1.6.4.tar.gz
tar xvf hyperic-sigar-1.6.4.tar.gz
cd hyperic-sigar-1.6.4
sudo cp sigar-bin/lib/libsigar-`dpkg --print-architecture`-`uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`.so /usr/lib