I am trying to calculate HOG features for block only. I explored hog.cpp
listed under opencv/module/gpu/src/
. Below is the code that I change to co
I modified the following functions to calculate HOG descriptors for blocks only.
void cv::gpu::HOGDescriptor::getDescriptorsBlock(const GpuMat& img, Size win_stride, GpuMat& descriptors, FileStorage fs3, string fileName, double scale, int width, int height, size_t lev)
CV_Assert(win_stride.width % block_stride.width == 0 && win_stride.height % block_stride.height == 0);
size_t block_hist_size = getBlockHistogramSize();
Size blocks_per_img = numPartsWithin(img.size(), block_size, block_stride);
// Size blocks_per_win = numPartsWithin(win_size, block_size, block_stride);
// Size wins_per_img = numPartsWithin(img.size(), win_size, win_stride);
// copy block_hists from GPU to CPU/
float dest_ptr[block_hist_size * blocks_per_img.area()];
cudaMemcpy( &dest_ptr[0], block_hists.ptr<float>(), block_hist_size *blocks_per_img.area()*sizeof(CV_32F), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
std::cout<<"( "<<width<< " ," << height<< ")"<< std::endl;
std::cout <<lev<< std::endl;
// write to yml file
int level = lev;
fs3 <<"Level"<<level;
fs3 << "features" << "[";
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (block_hist_size * blocks_per_img.area()) ; i++ )
fs3 << dest_ptr[i];
fs3 << "]";
Below is the that calculate HOG descriptors for multi scale image.
void cv::gpu::HOGDescriptor::getDescriptorsMultiScale(const GpuMat& img,
Size win_stride, double scale0, unsigned int count)
CV_Assert(img.type() == CV_8UC1 || img.type() == CV_8UC4);
vector<double> level_scale;
double scale = 1.;
int levels = 0;
for (levels = 0; levels < nlevels; levels++)
if (cvRound(img.cols/scale) < win_size.width ||
cvRound(img.rows/scale) < win_size.height || scale0 <= 1)
scale *= scale0;
levels = std::max(levels, 1);
// open yml file with image ID
FileStorage fs3;
char fileName[20];
GpuMat descriptors;
sprintf (fileName, "%04d", count);
fs3.open(fileName, FileStorage::WRITE);
for (size_t i = 0; i < level_scale.size(); i++)
scale = level_scale[i];
Size sz(cvRound(img.cols / scale), cvRound(img.rows / scale));
GpuMat smaller_img;
if (sz == img.size())
smaller_img = img;
image_scales[i].create(sz, img.type());
switch (img.type())
case CV_8UC1: hog::resize_8UC1(img, image_scales[i]); break;
case CV_8UC4: hog::resize_8UC4(img, image_scales[i]); break;
smaller_img = image_scales[i];
std::cout<<"scale "<<level_scale[i]<<std::endl;
// calculate descriptors for blocks
getDescriptorsBlock( smaller_img, win_stride, descriptors, fs3, fileName, scale, smaller_img.cols, smaller_img.rows, i);
// detect(smaller_img, locations, hit_threshold, win_stride, padding);
// close yml file
Don't forget to add definition of these two functions in opencv/modules/gpu/include/opencv2/gpu/gpu.hpp