Hoping to see a working example. Searched quite a bit, can\'t seem to get it working locally. Always shows privacy terms logo & user has to interact with captcha.
Here is a working example with invisible reCAPTCHA:
In your code, after you call signInWithPhoneNumber
, invisible reCAPTCHA should either display a challenge which when solved, resolves the pending promise with the confirmationResult
, or directly resolves without showing any challenge.
When that promise resolves with confirmationResult
, you should ask the user for the SMS code.
You then call confirmationResult.confirm(code)
This will complete sign in of the user.
.signInWithPhoneNumber(phoneNumber, appVerifier)
.then(function(confirmationResult) {
var code = window.prompt("Please enter your code");
return confirmationResult.confirm(code);
.then(function(result) {
// User is signed in now.
.catch(function(error) {
console.log("error", error);