How to do debug in OpenERP v7?
In previous versions of OpenERP, it was easy to debug. But in the latest version it\'s tough to debug.
Go to Administrator(in right top corner) in that click on About OpenERP
in that you will find a link Activate the Developer Mode
you can add a parameterdebug
in of URL like
both the way will let you open the developer mode.
You can also use the Odoo Debug pro chrome extension to toggle the developer mode using the keyboard shortcuts.
Start debug mode on browser ?? In URL you can type ?debug after web
go to About OpenERP select Activate Developer Mode
If You want to debug from eclipse then
go to PyDev Package Explorer --> openerp(odoo) --> Right click on openerp-server file Select Debug as --> Python Run
It will ask for change current perspective from PyDev to Debug click "Yes" and its Done