I have a dictionary of lists for which I want to add a value to a particular list... I have the following dictionary of lists.
d = {\'a\': [4,\'Adam\', 2], \
d = {'key': 'value'}
temp_dict = {}
for key, values in d.items():
if values[1] in temp_dict:
temp_dict[values[1]] = temp_dict[values[1]] + 1
temp_dict[values[1]] = 1
This code is longer than the previous answer, but it's just another way to produce the same results. Anyway, temp_dict
will store the names as keys and values as the number of times it shows up.
collections.Counter is always good for counting things.
>>> from collections import Counter
>>> d = {'a': [4,'Adam', 2], 'b': [3,'John', 4], 'c': [4,'Adam', 3], 'd': [4,'Bill', 3], 'e': [4,'Bob'], 'f': [4, 'Joe'], 'g': [4, 'Bill']}
>>> # create a list of only the values you want to count,
>>> # and pass to Counter()
>>> c = Counter([values[1] for values in d.itervalues()])
>>> c
Counter({'Adam': 2, 'Bill': 2, 'Bob': 1, 'John': 1, 'Joe': 1})