I have a small script which im using to test PHP mail(), as below:
The problem is with your sendmail server configuration. If youre testing this script on your personal development environment, don't worry about it. It can be a pita to setup/configure a sendmail server. If you're having this problem on your production server, the simpliest solution is to use a mailer library that has an smtp option (allowi g your email to be sent to an external smtp server for processing/delivery).
Here is a guide on using a 3rd party smtp mail script... http://email.about.com/od/emailprogrammingtips/qt/PHP_Email_SMTP_Authentication.htm
According to the PHP Runtime Configuration guide:
Note: Although
may be set at runtime (withini_set()
), it won't have any affect if the script has fatal errors. This is because the desired runtime action does not get executed.
Your code appears to have a syntax error ('test,
is missing a closing apostrophe). Thus, your program is encountering a fatal error. The only way to get a fatal error to display (EDIT: outside the error log) is to set display_errors = 1
in your php.ini