Is there a way for implementers of an interface where a ReadOnly
property is defined to make it a complete Read/Write Property
In Visual Basic, when you implement a method or property from an interface, you can change its name and its visibility. You can leverage that capability to handle the case you are asking about. Prior to Visual Studio 2015, I often did this:
Public Interface SomeInterface
ReadOnly Property SomeProperty As String
End Interface
Implementing Class:
Public Class SomeClass
Implements SomeInterface
Public Property SomeProperty As String
Private ReadOnly Property SomeProperty_ReadOnly As String Implements SomeInterface.SomeProperty
Return Me.SomeProperty
End Get
End Property
End Class
The result is that SomeProperty
is read-only when accessed through SomeInterface
, but read-write when accessed through SomeClass
Dim c As New SomeClass
c.SomeProperty = "hello" 'Write via class OK
Dim s1 = c.SomeProperty 'Read via class OK
Dim i As SomeInterface = c
Dim s2 = i.SomeProperty 'Read via interface OK
i.SomeProperty = "greetings" 'Syntax Error, interface property is read-only
Now supported in Visual Studio 2015.
What's New for Visual Basic
Readonly Interface Properties
You can implement readonly interface properties using a readwrite property. The interface guarantees minimum functionality, and it does not stop an implementing class from allowing the property to be set.
You can't do it as the interface requires that you implement a ReadOnly Property.
Properties don't allow overloading so there is no way to implement a non-ReadOnly and also a ReadOnly.
I would suggest you either implement a Custom Setter or drop the ReadOnly from the Interface.
Without details of why you want to do this it is hard to suggest the best solution
There is nothing at a CLI level which prevents this type of implementation and as you've demonstrated it's already supported by C#. The VB.Net language just doesn't support this style of implementation.
Knowing why though is a bit tough since the decision is almost 10 years removed at this point. Very likely it was just an over site at the time interface implementation was designed.
In the end, I ended up with a solution that matches my goal :
I did this "shadowing" the implemented property like this :
'users who access through interface see only the Read accessor
Public ReadOnly Property PublicProperty_SomeInterface As String Implements SomeInterface.PublicProperty
Return _myProperty
End Get
End Property
'users who work with the implementation have Read/Write access
Public Property PublicProperty_SomeInterface As String
Return _myProperty
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_myProperty = value
End Set
End Property
Then, depending on how you use it, you can do :
Dim implementorAsInterface As SomeInterface = New InterfaceImplementor()
logger.Log(implementor.PublicProperty) 'read access is always ok
implementor.PublicProperty = "toto" 'compile error : readOnly access
Dim implementor As InterfaceImplementor = New InterfaceImplementor()
implementor.PublicProperty = "toto" 'write access