I\'m using ttkcalendar.py
which can be found in this link.
I\'ve adapted it for use in Python 3.3
Basically what i\'m trying to do
I found that the Tkinter Font object has a metrics() method, that gives its height as "linespace". That allows the row height to be scaled dynamically:
from tkinter.font import Font
from tkinter.ttk import Style, Treeview
from tkinter import *
from tkFont import Font
font ttk import Style, Treeview
from Tkinter import *
font=Font(family='Arial', size=20)
#output: {'ascent': 31, 'descent': 7, 'linespace': 38, 'fixed': 0}
With that, you can get the font height with:
#output: 38
Then use it to set the rowheight in your Treeview widget:
style.configure('Calendar.Treeview', font=font, rowheight=fontheight)
Changing the font object parameters comfortably updates the Treeview widget, but the rowheight doesn't get updated, and needs to be redone. So for example, scaling the font size with a keyboard shortcut may look like this:
def scaleup():
style.configure('Calendar.Treeview', rowheight=font.metrics()['linespace'])
def scaledown():
style.configure('Calendar.Treeview', rowheight=font.metrics()['linespace'])
tree.bind('<Control-equal>', scaleup)
tree.bind('<Control-minus>', scaledown)
I actually wanted to do the same with Control-MouseWheel, but didn't figure out the behavior yet (Would be glad to hear how that works).
Hope this comes handy.
Perhaps like you, I expected lines to expand as necessary. But I confirmed the problem with the code below, with the solution (the two style lines) omitted. When I could not find the solution here and the corresponding Style page, I googled and found this. Scroll down to Emiliano's answer, and some of the following (there is also an indent option).
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
root = tk.Tk()
style = ttk.Style(root)
style.configure('Treeview', rowheight=40) #SOLUTION
tree = ttk.Treeview(root)
tree.insert('', 0, text='Line 1 of many XXX', tags='T')
tree.insert('', 1, text='Line 2 of many XXX', tags='T')
tree.insert('', 2, text='Line 3 of many XXX', tags='T')
tree.column('#0', stretch=True)
tree.tag_configure('T', font='Arial 20')
The above, with the answer omitted, is an example of minimal code that exhibits the problem. This is the sort of thing to post!
To make the Calendar widget properly importable and usable in another application, it should use a custom style, so its style does not affect any other treeviews in the app.
style.configure('Calendar.Treeview', rowheight=40)
tree = ttk.Treeview(root, style='Calendar.Treeview')
I am just learning about ttk styles myself. To answer your relief question, I went to this style doc and tried the following in Idle's Shell after running the above, with the two modifications in Edit 1.
>>> style.layout('Calendar.Treeview')
[('Treeview.field', {'sticky': 'nswe', 'children': [('Treeview.padding',
{'sticky': 'nswe', 'children': [('Treeview.treearea', {'sticky': 'nswe'})]})], 'border': '1'})]
>>> style.element_options('Calendar.Treeview.border')
>>> style.lookup('Calendar.Treeview.border', 'relief')
>>> style.configure('Calendar.Treeview.border', relief='raised')
I do not see any border nor did not see any effect of the setting. Perhaps relief applies to borders between columns. I don't know. (Note that changing rowheight is immediately available, so configuration is 'live'.)
How can I change the height of the rows in the treeview as in prevoius attempts font size can be increased but the row height does not increase with font size. - STILL AWAITING HELP
In case you are still awaiting help on this one, there is a way to change the row height, though that google groups thread says that it isn't officially supported by Tk:
#apply any configuration options