ttk.Treeview - Can't change row height

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余生分开走 2021-01-18 04:12

I\'m using which can be found in this link.

I\'ve adapted it for use in Python 3.3

Basically what i\'m trying to do

  • 2021-01-18 04:44

    I found that the Tkinter Font object has a metrics() method, that gives its height as "linespace". That allows the row height to be scaled dynamically:

        from tkinter.font import Font
        from tkinter.ttk import Style, Treeview
        from tkinter import *         
        from tkFont import Font
        font ttk import Style, Treeview
        from Tkinter import *
    font=Font(family='Arial', size=20)
    #output: {'ascent': 31, 'descent': 7, 'linespace': 38, 'fixed': 0}

    With that, you can get the font height with:

    #output: 38

    Then use it to set the rowheight in your Treeview widget:

    style.configure('Calendar.Treeview', font=font, rowheight=fontheight)   

    Changing the font object parameters comfortably updates the Treeview widget, but the rowheight doesn't get updated, and needs to be redone. So for example, scaling the font size with a keyboard shortcut may look like this:

    def scaleup():
        style.configure('Calendar.Treeview', rowheight=font.metrics()['linespace'])
    def scaledown():
        style.configure('Calendar.Treeview', rowheight=font.metrics()['linespace'])
    tree.bind('<Control-equal>', scaleup)
    tree.bind('<Control-minus>', scaledown)

    I actually wanted to do the same with Control-MouseWheel, but didn't figure out the behavior yet (Would be glad to hear how that works).

    Hope this comes handy.

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  • 2021-01-18 04:48

    Perhaps like you, I expected lines to expand as necessary. But I confirmed the problem with the code below, with the solution (the two style lines) omitted. When I could not find the solution here and the corresponding Style page, I googled and found this. Scroll down to Emiliano's answer, and some of the following (there is also an indent option).

    import tkinter as tk
    from tkinter import ttk
    root = tk.Tk()
    style = ttk.Style(root)
    style.configure('Treeview', rowheight=40)  #SOLUTION
    tree = ttk.Treeview(root)
    tree.insert('', 0, text='Line 1 of many XXX', tags='T')
    tree.insert('', 1, text='Line 2 of many XXX', tags='T')
    tree.insert('', 2, text='Line 3 of many XXX', tags='T')
    tree.column('#0', stretch=True)
    tree.tag_configure('T', font='Arial 20')

    The above, with the answer omitted, is an example of minimal code that exhibits the problem. This is the sort of thing to post!

    EDIT 1:

    To make the Calendar widget properly importable and usable in another application, it should use a custom style, so its style does not affect any other treeviews in the app.

    style.configure('Calendar.Treeview', rowheight=40)
    tree = ttk.Treeview(root, style='Calendar.Treeview')

    EDIT 2:

    I am just learning about ttk styles myself. To answer your relief question, I went to this style doc and tried the following in Idle's Shell after running the above, with the two modifications in Edit 1.

    >>> style.layout('Calendar.Treeview')
    [('Treeview.field', {'sticky': 'nswe', 'children': [('Treeview.padding',
    {'sticky': 'nswe', 'children': [('Treeview.treearea', {'sticky': 'nswe'})]})], 'border': '1'})]
    >>> style.element_options('Calendar.Treeview.border')
    >>> style.lookup('Calendar.Treeview.border', 'relief')
    >>> style.configure('Calendar.Treeview.border', relief='raised')

    I do not see any border nor did not see any effect of the setting. Perhaps relief applies to borders between columns. I don't know. (Note that changing rowheight is immediately available, so configuration is 'live'.)

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  • 2021-01-18 04:49

    How can I change the height of the rows in the treeview as in prevoius attempts font size can be increased but the row height does not increase with font size. - STILL AWAITING HELP

    In case you are still awaiting help on this one, there is a way to change the row height, though that google groups thread says that it isn't officially supported by Tk:

    #apply any configuration options
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