I\'m wondering if it\'s possible to have a INSERT INTO statement within a CASE statement in SQL code.
Here\'s a rough pseudocode of what I\'m trying to do:
You could do it two statements like so.
First insert into other
when somevalue is null
INSERT INTO othertable
FROM bigtable
WHERE somevalue IS NULL;
Then left join to both tables on Somevalue
being null
or not null
SELECT Coalesce(othertable.newlyinsertedvalue, weirdtable.someothervalue) foo,
FROM bigtable
LEFT OUTER JOIN othertable
ON somevalue IS NULL
LEFT OUTER JOIN weirdtable
ON somevalue IS NOT NULL
My guess is that you will actually have to modify the joins to be something like
LEFT OUTER JOIN othertable
ON somevalue IS NULL
and bigtable.id = othertable.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN weirdtable
ON somevalue IS NOT NULL
and bigtable.id = weirdtable .id
Note: I'm not sure what the DB2 equivalent of Coalesce is
You will need to accomplish with IF...THEN
statements instead. Something roughly like this (not sure about syntax for db2):
SELECT @SomeValue = SomeValue FROM SomeTable
IF @SomeValue IS NULL
INSERT INTO OtherTable VALUES (1, 2, 3)
SELECT NewlyInsertedValue FROM OtherTable;
INSERT INTO OtherTable VALUES (1, 2, 3)
SELECT SomeOtherValue FROM WeirdTable;