How to `git submodule add` Existing sub Repository?

后端 未结 5 1908
既然无缘 2021-01-18 02:56

The Question

How to add existing sub repository as a submodule in git?

The Why

I have a private codespace supermodule with submodule

  • 2021-01-18 03:21

    You don't need to clone manually first. After running git submodule add [url] [path] run git submodule update, which will clone/pull all submodules for you.

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  • 2021-01-18 03:26

    Where you went wrong is doing the

    $ git add .

    That adds everything, so also foo/bar, to the index of the current repository (ready to be committed thus).

    If you just don't do that and continue with

    $ git submodule add foo/bar

    then that should work; this would detect that foo/bar is an already cloned repository and add it to the current repository as a submodule.

    Note that it is not needed to clone first. You explicitly say you already have done that, but for clarity for other readers I'd like to point out that if you omit the clone right before the git add . too (so there isn't a foo/bar at all now) then the above git submodule add ... would see there isn't anything yet and then simply clone it for you.

    Note that there is a minor difference between methods. If you start with cloning then foo/.git will be a directory, while if you use git submodule add to do the cloning then this .git repository is put in .git/modules/foo of the parent project and foo/.git is a file containing the path to that. There is no real difference however as using a file for the .git to point anywhere else is generic and could be used anywhere; you can not conclude anything from .git being a file or directory.

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  • 2021-01-18 03:26

    git submodule add detects if the path given for a submosule exists and contains an initialized git repo, so no neeed to worry about that. I ran into a similar problem so I wrote a (hacky) script to deal with this issue.

    # save super directory
    # get all the git repos inside (except .) and format them 
    # the way git does
    gitDirs=`find -type d -name ".git" | sed -e 's|.git$||' -e 's|./||' -e 's|/$||' | grep -v "^$"`
    for i in ${gitDirs[@]}
            echo "dealing with $i now"
            cd $i 
            # get the remote url for each submodule
            fetchUrl=`git remote -v | awk '/fetch/ {print $2}'`
            # for my purposes repos without remotes are useless
            # but you may have a different use case
            if [[ -z $fetchUrl ]]
                    echo "fetch url not found for this directory"
                    echo "got a fetch url of $fetchUrl for git repo $i"                                                                 
            cd $currentDir
            # make sure it isn't tracked as a submodule already                                                         
            existing=`grep -A5  $i ./.gitmodules | grep $fetchUrl`    
            if [[ -z $existing ]]                                     
                    echo "does not exist in .gitmodules yet, will create now"
                    # if it doesn't exist yet then create it
                    git submodule add $fetchUrl $i
                    echo "$i is already present as a submodule with fetch url: $fetchUrl"
                    echo "The command we would have used is: git submodule add $fetchUrl $i"
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-18 03:27

    One way to do it is to manually create the .gitmodules file.

    The format is below:

    [submodule "path/to/submodule1"]
        path = path/to/submodule/1
        url =
    [submodule "path/to/submodule2"]
        path = path/to/submodule/2
        url =

    Note you'll have to run

    git submodule sync

    to apply the changes

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  • 2021-01-18 03:33
    1. remove files from index foo/bar: git rm -f --cached foo/bar
    2. git submodule add ./foo/bar
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