This doesn\'t work in perl : for(10...0)
It essentially doesn\'t loop even once, because it checks that 10>0
Any alternate s
I'm not sure brevity is a great criteria for doing this, but you don't need the map
in the inverting solution, nor reverse
in the reversing one:
# By Inverting without map, one of:
# Compare to similar length with map:
# Can just use -$_ where $_ is used, if $_ is used < 6 times; that's shorter.
# By Reversing without reverse (in a sub; in main use @ARGV or @l=...=pop@l)
# More Pop Alternatives
# Though, yeah, it's shorter with reverse
for(reverse 0..10){say}
for (reverse 0 .. 10) {
say $_;
Use the reverse function.
Unfortunately, this forces evaluation of the range to a list, so this uses more memory than the loop without reverse
for (map -$_,-10..0) { ... }
for (map 10-$_,0..10) { ... }
If any part of the range is negative, then the first one is shorter than using reverse