I\'m trying to make a decision tree using rpart using a data frame that has ~200 columns. Some of these columns have numbers in their names, some have special characters (e.
I just came across the same problem, and I don't want any change in the name when pass it to R formulae. R allow non-syntactic column names with backticks surrounding them. So I try add backticks to the name and it also works well. My code like below:
lapply(colnames(variable), function(gene){
formula0 <- paste0("gleason_grade", "~" "`", gene, "`")
logit <- clm(as.formula(formula0), data = mydata)
and now you can pass the new variable to formula without error.
If you don't expect any change to the variable like me, so just backtick it.
This works:
dat <- data.frame(M=rnorm(10),'A/B'=1:10,check.names=F)
> lm(M~`A/B`,dat)
lm(formula = M ~ `A/B`, data = dat)
(Intercept) `A/B`
-1.0494 0.1214
Joran's comment on my question is the answer - I didn't know of the existence of make.names()
Joran, if you reply as an answer I'll mark you as correct. Cheers!