Take N elements from sequence with N different indexes in F#

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清酒与你 2021-01-18 01:50

I\'m new to F# and looking for a function which take N*indexes and a sequence and gives me N elements. If I have N indexes it should be equal to concat Seq.nth index0, Seq.n

  • 2021-01-18 02:29

    When you want to access elements by index, then using sequences isn't as good idea. Sequences are designed to allow sequential iteration. I would convert the necessary part of the sequence to an array and then pick the elements by index:

    let takeIndexes ns input = 
      // Take only elements that we need to access (sequence could be infinite)
      let arr = input |> Seq.take (1 + Seq.max ns) |> Array.ofSeq
      // Simply pick elements at the specified indices from the array
      seq { for index in ns -> arr.[index] }
    seq [10 .. 20] |> takeIndexes [0;5;10]  

    Regarding your implementation - I don't think it can be made significantly more elegant. This is a general problem when implementing functions that need to take values from multiple sources in an interleaved fashion - there is just no elegant way of writing those!

    However, you can write this in a functional way using recursion like this:

    let takeIndexes indices (xs:seq<int>) = 
      // Iterates over the list of indices recursively
      let rec loop (xe:IEnumerator<_>) idx indices = seq {
        let next = loop xe (idx + 1)
        // If the sequence ends, then end as well
        if xe.MoveNext() then
          match indices with
          | i::indices when idx = i -> 
            // We're passing the specified index 
            yield xe.Current
            yield! next indices
          | _ -> 
            // Keep waiting for the first index from the list
            yield! next indices }
      seq {
        // Note: 'use' guarantees proper disposal of the source sequence
        use xe = xs.GetEnumerator()
        yield! loop xe 0 indices }
    seq [10 .. 20] |> takeIndexes [0;5;10]  
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  • 2021-01-18 02:29

    Is it a problem, that the returned result is sorted? This algorithm will work linearly over the input sequence. Just the indices need to be sorted. If the sequence is large, but indices are not so many - it'll be fast. Complexity is: N -> Max(indices), M -> count of indices: O(N + MlogM) in the worst case.

    let seqTakeIndices indexes = 
        let rec gather prev idxs xs =
            match idxs with
            | [] -> Seq.empty
            | n::ns ->  seq { let left = xs |> Seq.skip (n - prev)
                              yield left |> Seq.head
                              yield! gather n ns left }
        indexes |> List.sort |> gather 0

    Here is a List.fold variant, but is more complex to read. I prefer the first:

    let seqTakeIndices indices xs = 
        let gather (prev, xs, res) n =
            let left = xs |> Seq.skip (n - prev)
            n, left, (Seq.head left)::res
        let _, _, res = indices |> List.sort |> List.fold gather (0, xs, [])

    Appended: Still slower than your variant, but a lot faster than mine older variants. Because of not using Seq.skip that is creating new enumerators and was slowing down things a lot.

    let seqTakeIndices indices (xs : seq<_>) = 
        let enum = xs.GetEnumerator()
        enum.MoveNext() |> ignore
        let rec gather prev idxs =  
            match idxs with
            | [] -> Seq.empty
            | n::ns -> seq { if [1..n-prev] |> List.forall (fun _ -> enum.MoveNext()) then 
                                yield enum.Current
                                yield! gather n ns }
        indices |> List.sort |> gather 0
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-18 02:39

    When you need to scan a sequence and accumulate results in O(n), you can always fall back to Seq.fold:

    let takeIndices ind sq =
        let selector (idxLeft, currIdx, results) elem =
            match idxLeft with
                | []                               -> (idxLeft, currIdx, results)
                | idx::moreIdx when idx =  currIdx -> (moreIdx, currIdx+1, elem::results)
                | idx::_       when idx <> currIdx -> (idxLeft, currIdx+1, results)
                | idx::_                           -> invalidOp "Can't get here."
        let (_, _, results) = sq |> Seq.fold selector (ind, 0, [])
        results |> List.rev
    seq [10 .. 20] |> takeIndices [0;5;10]

    The drawback of this solution is that it will enumerate the sequence to the end, even if it has accumulated all the desired elements already.

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  • 2021-01-18 02:51

    Here is my shot at this. This solution will only go as far as it needs into the sequence and returns the elements as a list.

    let getIndices xs (s:_ seq) =
        let enum = s.GetEnumerator()
        let rec loop i acc = function
            | h::t as xs ->
                if enum.MoveNext() then
                    if i = h then
                        loop (i+1) (enum.Current::acc) t
                        loop (i+1) acc xs
                    raise (System.IndexOutOfRangeException())
            | _ -> List.rev acc
        loop 0 [] xs
    |> getIndices [2;4;8]
    // Returns [12;14;18]

    The only assumption made here is that the index list you supply is sorted. The function won't work properly otherwise.

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