Firstly, I am aware that there are other posts similar, but since mine is using a URL and I am not always sure what my delimiter will be, I feel that I am alright posting my
The URL class pretty much does this, look at the tutorial. For example, given this URL:
This is the kind of information you can expect to obtain:
protocol = http
authority =
host =
port = 80
path = /docs/books/tutorial/index.html
query = name=networking
filename = /docs/books/tutorial/index.html?name=networking
you can use String class split()
and store the result into the String array then iterate the array and store the variable and value into the Map.
public class URLSPlit {
public static Map<String,String> splitString(String s) {
String[] split = s.split("[= & ?]+");
int length = split.length;
Map<String, String> maps = new HashMap<>();
for (int i=0; i<length; i+=2){
maps.put(split[i], split[i+1]);
return maps;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String word = "q=java+online+compiler&rlz=1C1GCEA_enIN816IN816&oq=java+online+compiler&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60.18920j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8?k1=v1";
Map<String, String> newmap = splitString(word);
for(Map.Entry map: newmap.entrySet()){
System.out.println(map.getKey()+" = "+map.getValue());
Instead of url.split(".org");
try url.split("/");
and iterate through your array of strings.
Or you can look into regular expressions. This is a good example to start with.
Good luck on your homework.
This is how you should split your URL parts: