In my exception handling file, I set a statuscode to 404 and then render n HTML page, for the error page (think fail-whale).
This might help:
<httpErrors existingResponse="PassThrough" />
For more information:
What to expect from IIS7 custom error module (IIS.NET)
If that doesn't work then you might try writing a .NET HttpModule
to plug into the IIS request/response pipeline to set Response.TrySkipCustomErrors
. Not ideal.
ASP.NET's worker request object calls an exported function called MgdSetStatusW
. The problem here is that unless Coldfusion exposes this flag then you won't be able to set the value directly in CF.
Poking around with .NET Reflector I seen ASP.NET setting the response status using:
[DllImport("webengine4.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)]
internal static extern int MgdSetStatusW(IntPtr pRequestContext,
int dwStatusCode, int dwSubStatusCode, string pszReason,
string pszErrorDescription, bool fTrySkipCustomErrors);