i\'m using GNUstep shell for programming objective-c. I\'m able to convert string to a character set. But unable to print the converted character set in the console. Please
This will do the first 65536 characters in unicode, which will do for most situations. I believe unicode can go much higher (2^32?), but this would take much longer to log.
+ (void) logCharacterSet:(NSCharacterSet*)characterSet
unichar unicharBuffer[20];
int index = 0;
for (unichar uc = 0; uc < (0xFFFF); uc ++)
if ([characterSet characterIsMember:uc])
unicharBuffer[index] = uc;
index ++;
if (index == 20)
NSString * characters = [NSString stringWithCharacters:unicharBuffer length:index];
NSLog(@"%@", characters);
index = 0;
if (index != 0)
NSString * characters = [NSString stringWithCharacters:unicharBuffer length:index];
NSLog(@"%@", characters);
There are some quite fun looking results, for example here is a sample of 20 characters from punctuationCharacterSet